This article was written by Kit Kline, Founder of Nature Based Therapy, in collaboration with Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA). I have fond memories of growing up in Canada and these memories are connected to my early childhood experiences of engaging with the natural world. It was a time when I would experience the awe of the natural world and see myself as part of this magical and mystical force on Earth. Early childhood experiences in nature can be formative My early childhood memories include feeling a cold snowflake land on my…
Category: Blog

Finding Time To Build Relationship With Nature
One of the most common statements I hear when I ask people whether they have a relationship and connection with nature is that they either they don’t have enough time or they don’t have access to a natural environment to go to. Nature is in us and all around us. We are nature and we are part of the ecosystem from which nature functions. It is important to bring nature connection into practice in small steps and to build on the awareness of where nature is in our everyday lives. …

Green Social Work – The New Paradigm In Health
When I first started developing nature based therapy, I had not heard of the term green social work. I came across this concept while I was doing a unit in my current studies for the Master of Social Work. I was so excited to learn that the social work sector was aware of our connection to our environment and that social justice and environmental justice appeared to be intimately connected. After having worked as a drug and alcohol counsellor for 17 years I had not come across green social work…

Creating A Community Through The Natural World
Do you know your neighbours? What are their names? Do they have jobs? I am not talking about your human neighbours. I am talking about the other life that surrounds your home that is either in your front yard, back yard, nature strip or down your street! Tree’s, plants, flowers and weeds! That’s right, our eco-system is our community isn’t it? We depend upon it to survive and when we engage with it, we somehow feel a connection. I think this is why gardening appeals so much to older people. …