Nature Based Therapy
Nature Based therapy is an emerging field in both complimentary therapies and holistic health treatment which has been incorporated into the practice of many medical and mental health professions. Occupational therapists, physical therapists, nurses, social workers and psychologists have used NBT practices as a complementary means of treating a variety of physical, emotional, and cognitive disorders.
Nature Based Therapy uses nature as a tool to promote health and is based on the therapeutic use of sensory experiences which incorporates nature bathing, journaling, creative arts, holistic counselling, nature based diet, Indigenous philosophy, holistic health education and self-care into clinical settings that greatly benefit clients.
There is a growing amount of evidence based research that suggests Nature Based Therapy has proven to be beneficial treatment modality for anxiety, depression, stress and other mental health disorders.
Nature is a powerful healing resource that can be used to restore well-being. Since the time of industrialization, humans have lost their connection to their natural surroundings. Nature Based Therapy also understands that the state of the natural environment is close to our internal psychological state and therefore connects ecology with psychology.
By enabling people to reconnect with nature and experience its beauty, a sense of belongingness emerges, and life becomes more meaningful.

Kit Kline
Kit Kline, the founder of Nature Based Therapy, was born in Canada and moved to Australia when she was 10. She is a decedent of the Wampanoag people on her paternal side and is a member of the Sou’West Nova Metis Council. Kit has always felt a strong connection to her Native American ancestry and believes her philosophy on health and wellness derives from this connection.
She has over 20 years’ experience working as a counsellor and educator in the social and community services sector with both public and private health services, specialising in mental health and addictions. She established the modality Nature Based Therapy due to the success she was having with the people she was working with when she incorporated ‘nature’ into her work practice.
The future will belong to the nature-smart-those individuals, families, businesses, and political leaders who develop a deeper understanding of the transformative power of the natural world and who balance the virtual with the real. The more high-tech we become, the more nature we need – Richard Louv
Kit completed a Masters in Social Work (MSW) at Deakin University and is a member of the Australian Association of Social Workers. She successfully completed a Masters of Indigenous Studies (University of South Australia) in September 2018 and has a Bachelor of Arts in Indigenous Studies (Victoria University). Her post graduate studies include Diploma’s in Welfare studies, Alcohol and other Drugs, Holistic Healing and Certificate IV’s in both Training & Assessment and Youth Work. Other qualifications include Post Graduate Certificate in Mental Health, an Accredited Mental Health First Aider, and CI Mentee.
Kit is a graduate of the Leaders for Geelong program 2015-2017 and is committed to creating healthy people, families and communities while at the same time protecting our natural resources and environment.
Kit is a mother to three daughters and one son and enjoys coastal life in Torquay, Victoria. In her personal time, she enjoys taking her family on picnics to local forests, bushwalking, mountain bike riding and cooking healthy organic food. She also enjoys long road trips, travelling to new destinations and meeting people from different cultural backgrounds.
Conferences Kit presented at:
- Child and Nature Network (CNN) Conference – May 2019 in Oakland, California
- Australian Adventure and Bush Therapy conference (AABAT) – 8-11 August 2019 on the Gold Coast
- Poster Presentation – AASW (Australian Association of Social Workers) Conference, Adelaide 2019
- Australian Adventure and Bush Therapy conference (AABAT) – October 2022, Mylor, South Australia

Nature Based Therapy acknowledges Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional owners of the lands where we live, learn and work. We also recognise those whose ongoing effort to protect and promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures will leave a lasting legacy for future Elders and leaders.